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How to with Revu : Tips & Tricks | Bluebeam Cloud

Bluebeam Cloud is the online companion to Bluebeam Revu, offering Revu21 users the flexibility to access, view, and markup files from anywhere with an internet connection. This cloud-based platform seamlessly bridges office and field workflows, enabling users to connect to essential documents and tool sets directly within Revu—all through the convenience of Bluebeam Cloud.

In our last How to with Revu session we first began by having an activated and paid seat of Revu21. Once assigned a seat we can navigate to app.bluebeam.com

Once logged in, we are greeted with a screen stating that Bluebeam Cloud has changed since its inception. Notice how the previous: Drawing, Punch, RFI, and Map Field features are no longer available.

Past this notice you will have three sections of Bluebeam Cloud available to you. We now have access to the My Workspace, Studio Project, and Studio Sessions. Lets dive into each area.

My Workspace – Think of this location as your own personal storage to share and markup drawings outside of any projects. Do note this location is separated from your local disk drive and any Studio locations. There is another section for drawings that have been shared with you.

Studio Projects – In this location we can access any Studio Projects we have been added to. Do note that we cannot create or join a Studio Project from this web location. You must first be a part of the Studio Project before attempting access through the Bluebeam Cloud web application.

Studio Session – In this location we can access any Studio Sessions we have been added to. Do note that we cannot join a Studio Session from this web location. We must first Create the Studio Session or be a part of the Session before attempting access through the Bluebeam Cloud web application.

Studio Projects – When in Studio Projects we can access any Projects we have been invited to. Once in the selected Project, we can view the files just like we normally can. Notice how we can also check the file out in order to make changes. We can select the lock icon in order to begin checking the file out and make changes. Keep in mind once we check the file out, nobody else in the Project can access the file until we check the file back in.

Studio Sessions – When accessing the Studio Session tab we can view Sessions we are a part of and we can also select to Create a new Session. Selecting a Session will instantly join while selecting Create, we are greeted with a window to enter in pertinent Session details.

Example: We added a Session Title during our live How to with Revu webinar.

Invite users (Use a comma to separate users). Drag and drop any files we plan to collaborate on

  1. A) We have access to our tool set all through the web. The plus icon allows us to upload any custom tool sets we use.
  2. B) We can see one of the custom tool sets in our web browser
  3. C) We can see who is live an the Session with us
  4. D) We can view the web URL and the 9-digit Session ID


>> Sign up for our next monthly How to with Revu session, where Alex demonstrates a helpful tip for utilizing Bluebeam solutions and then answers all your Revu-related questions for FREE!

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Alex Arriaga is a Bluebeam Design Technology Specialist at Team D3. Alex is a Bluebeam Certified Instructor, Bluebeam Certified Support Representative and a member of the Denver Bluebeam User Group. He works with organizations and individuals in furthering their workflows with and knowledge of Bluebeam Revu.

Bluebeam, Revu, and Studio are registered trademarks of Bluebeam, Inc., used under license.

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