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Learn about our Vault as a Service platform that hosts Vault data management software in the cloud.

Host Your Vault Data in the Cloud

Vaultra is a Vault as a Service (VaaS) platform that hosts Vault data management software in the cloud. This service alleviates companies from the burdens of maintaining and upgrading their server and SQL system requirements. Team D3 will have direct access to manage the client’s Vault Sever and/or Job Processor, bypassing the need for IT intervention. Clients can perform their tasks from anywhere without a VPN, using Vault Gateway or leverage Azure VPN.

Key Benefits of Vaultra

Vaultra Base Plan

  • Users: 1-15


  • Vault Server: SQL Express (10GB limit), 500 GB Data


  • Job Processor: Standard publishing such as PDF and DWF files


  • Management: Job processor management, maintenance, and backups


  • Upgrades: Yearly
  • Additional data storage available

  • Vault Basic Foundations

  • Vault Professional Foundations

  • Change Order Extended Services

Vaultra Enterprise Plan

  • Users: 16+


  • Vault Server: SQL Standard, 1 TB data


  • Job Processor: Standard publishing such as PDF and DWF files


  • Management: Job processor management, maintenance, and backups


  • Vault Pro Enterprise: Scope assessment and environment setup


  • Upgrades: Yearly


  • Support Plan: Included
  • Additional foolproof publishing scripts and data storage available

  • FoolProof Publishing

  • Full Replication

  • FileStore Replication

  • Change Order Extended Services

Vaultra is Designed For

Companies that are requiring a cloud-based data management system.

Companies that need to upgrade their hardware but are hesitant about the costs. Vaultra offers long-term capital savings.

Companies using external IT services, which can benefit from eliminating long wait times for upgrades and data storage management.

Companies with a significant portion of their workforce operating remotely.

Vaultra FAQs

Vaultra is a Vault as a Service (VaaS) platform that hosts Vault data management software in the cloud. It helps companies manage their Vault software without the need for on-premises servers or IT support. 

Vaultra is ideal for companies needing Vault Professional Foundations, those hesitant about hardware upgrade costs, companies utilizing external IT services, and businesses with many remote employees.

Vaultra offers full-based service with Azure. 

The Base plan supports 1-15 users, offers SQL Express with 500 GB of data, and includes basic job processor management. The Enterprise plan supports 16+ users, offers SQL Standard with 1 TB of data, includes customized publishing scripts, and offers a more comprehensive scope assessment and environment setup.

Yes, both plans offer add-ons for additional scripts and data storage.

Yes, both Base and Enterprise plans include yearly upgrades.

Vaultra includes a cloud-based job processor. Foolproof publishing can include customized publishing scripts in addition to the standard ones.

The Foolproof Publishing Package Offering automatically creates PDF/DXF/DWG/STEP and other file formats, properly names and stores them within the Vault, all the while ensuring the right people get the right design data at the right time.

The package includes: 

  • Scripts that automatically create PDF/DXF/DWG/STEP and other file formats upon a lifecycle transition of CAD models and/or on demand. 
  • An Events script to lock the file while a publishing job is in the queue or processing, preventing it from being checked out, modified, or relocated until the job is completed. 
  • A Client script to monitor the job queue and inform the user if the job runs into a problem. 
  • A weekly script to confirm that released CAD files have associated DWF visualization files. 

The benefits include: 

  • Ensuring the right people get the right design data at the right time. 
  • Eliminating errors and costs from manufacturing or ordering parts/assemblies from outdated engineering drawings. 
  • Creating a safety net to ensure that publishing jobs run to successful completion every time. 
  • Increasing productivity by eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. 
  • Streamlining data and making it accessible to all departments. 
  • Maintaining quality data by ensuring the best standards and practices are followed. 

Both plans come with a support plan that includes management, maintenance, and backups of the Vault Server and Azure Server.

Clients can access Vaultra from anywhere with or without a VPN, using Vault Gateway or Azure VPN.

Clients can reach out to our support team for assistance with any issues or for general support.

Vaultra leverages the security features of Azure to ensure that your data is safe. Regular backups and maintenance are part of our service to keep your data secure.

A reliable and fast internet connection is essential for optimal performance of Vaultra’s cloud-based services.

Yes, the Enterprise plan includes 2-3 customized publishing scripts. Additional scripts can be added as an add-on in both plans. 

Yes, we offer scope assessment and environment setup as part of the Enterprise plan to ensure Vaultra meets your specific business needs. 

For any additional questions or more detailed information, please contact our support team.

Start A Conversation With Us

See which plan fits you. Our team is ready to help!

Team D3 Embarks on a Global Brand Evolution

Beginning in July 2025, Team D3 will be fully integrated under the Symetri name, creating a unified presence in the US market. This represents the next step in our evolution and commitment to providing the best solutions and support to our clients.

For information on how this brand transition could impact you, or to find answers to frequently asked questions, please click below.